Oct 02, 2016 00:41
The guitarchaeologists called Diarrhea Planet were back in town for their first show since their run of shows last November at Great Scott. Kicking thing off were the Salem Wolves out of Salem Ma of course. These guys were Rock n Roll Rumble semi finalists this past year. Jack, Isaac and Woodrow like to rock out and have fun doing it. They play with all smiles. These dudes pack a punch. Fellow Tennessee punxxx Western Medication brought the rock. Western Medication, or may I call them Western Meds? Ohh that’s Robert right? I donno whatever they are still Western Medication so lets just call them Western Meds to put the name to the face. Their songs ranged from punk to post punk to almost shoegaze dreampop. They could pretty much pull of any sub genre of rock. They introduced one song as Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root. I remember that song from the 90's. Although sometimes when I hear it I gotta remember that it isn't Talking Heads. I'd say that Western Meds take more influence from 80's and early 90's rock. Finally the stage was set for the guitarmy of guitartists know as Diarrhea Planet! They started with a few songs from their new album Turn To Gold such as Ain't a Sin to Win, Bob Dylan's Grandma and Life Pass. Somebody had a sign that said "4 guitars are not enough" and someone else yelled that Diarrhea Planet needs 8 bassists. At first I thought a large, black plastic garbage bag had gotten blown out of a high-floor window. As it fell, I could make out the windmilling arms and legs of many stagedivers and crowd surfers. Diarrhea Planet will do that to them. Afterwards some of the DP guys are heading to the Sinclair restaurant to spin some tunes.