what i found, not a whole lot, but it still filled a few boxes...i got 6 stephen king hardbacks including volume 5 and 6 of the dark tower series(since jared refused to let me borrow them). I got 4 he-man figures and 3 vehicles, including the horse with the gun mounted on his back, one of the few things i didn't have when i was a kid. they will be new sculptures on display in the treehouse. They might be worth a little bit of money but they are already dusty so putting them out there for a few months before and if i sell them won't hurt. i also got 3 boxes of legos and 5 or 6 cd's. all that shit cost me maybe 20 bucks altogether, less than i spent at wal-mart last night for some deoderant , food, and shaving creme. all these things are additional reasons to stay home, first to sort through them, then to use and enjoy them. i also need to wrestle the ferrets and talk to milon.
i walked to work today because the moped is hasselhoffing again. the signals aren't working. it's ready to fall apart as well, the engine sounds like ______<---insert your most hated crap overrated undertalented band here. i could barely hear my walkman over all the goddamn traffic noise. i was listening to one of my perfected mix tapes. i think i passed just two other people walking. heaven forbid anyone use their legs in this asphalt and steel wasteland. one guy came up to me on the path int eh woods and i thought he wanted to sell me pot or ask me if i could sell some to him, but it was jsut a guy i knew from a long time ago. tomorrow and wedsnesday i am off and i can't wait to be in my woods and not have to hear so much bullshit every second of the day. maybe i'll go on a secret mission, that's me in the middle. my henchman are big c and his girlfriend, stephanie.
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i've been sleeping too much...i was doing really well and consistently getting 6 restful hours a night and now i am sleeping at different times and lengths and having stupid dreams and it's fucking up my productivity and energy. i've also been increasingly suspicious of my auto pilot and checking to make sure i did things like turn off the stove or lock the door, even tho i KNOW i did, i still have to check. everything has been just a pain in the ass lately and nothing works out smoothly and i just want to escape all irritations and responsibilities and conversations. i need a frontier, earth is fucked, only space is left unless i figure out how to time travel. some guy just came here with his kid and they are both skating. that's the best thing i've seen in weeks, including hot moms. weather.com says thunderstorms int eh forecast from wednesday through next wednesday...yay, it's fun, really.
"please don't make me take my space pills... please don't make me take my space pills, being ill is part of the thrill..."
-The Happiest Guys In The World- To Be Or Astronaut To Be!