meme time

Mar 23, 2023 10:16

I snagged this from @kissapentu.

Send me 1 character and I'll answer:

1. Could you take them in a fight?
2. Would you let them cook for you?
3. They give you a haircut! Is it any good?
4. What would they get you for your birthday, if anything?
5. If they were a YouTuber, what sort of content would they create? Would you be subscribed to them?

Send me 2 characters and I'll answer:

1. You have to choose one to erase from their series! Who do you pick?
2. Who would you rather run into in a dark alley at night?
3. Who would you save from a burning building? Who would be more likely to save you from a burning building?
4. Who would win in a dance-off?
5. They swap bodies for 24 hours! How badly do they mess up (or improve) each other's lives?

Send me 3 characters and I'll answer:

1. Who would you rather swap aesthetics/outfits with for a day?
2. Who do you team up with in a 2v2 volleyball match? Which side wins?
3. If each of them got one million dollars, who would waste/spend their money the fastest?
4. Who would die first in a horror movie? Who would be the survivor?
5. They're all on the run from the law! What crimes did each commit and who is most likely to get caught?


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