This is for the
lands_of_magic's character study challenge. I picked Lois Lane from Smallville. :D
"Who are you?"
"Lois. Lois Lane."
To say Lois Lane is an integral part of the Superman mythos is an understatement. She's been around since the start- showing up in countless comics, movies, and TV shows - both animated and live action. When you think of Superman, you think of Lois, even if you haven't seen or read a single piece of Superman related media.
Smallville is the origin story of a young Clark Kent, starting him off in high school, and since DC allegedly didn't allow the show runners to have Lois right away, it would take three seasons for Lois to show up, but when she did, it was big. She arrived after learning about that her cousin, already established character Chloe Sullivan, had died (in reality, she faked her death). While she had been referenced once in the show, season 4, episode 1 'Crusade' (from which the above scene is from) marked her first arrival, and when she showed up in Smallville on the hunt, she promptly ran into her future husband, naked and not quite himself.
Even with Lex Luthor already around, Lois's presence was a reminder to the viewers of what Clark would be - that his life didn't end in Smallville. Lois Lane existed and with that hinted at his future -at the Planet, as Superman, and with her too. She was only supposed to be there originally for four episodes, likely so that the audience could get a glimpse of what was to come and then go away, since Clark was still in high school and it was early for them to meet but the show runners made the right choice in bringing her back and now, not only did we get to see Clark's story play out but Lois's too. And despite her limited episode count for s4-7, she grew and became the iconic character that everyone was more familiar with.
Unlike other versions of Lois, this one wasn't enamored with journalism from the get go. In fact, it was something she was initially reluctantly drawn to, which was an interesting if unintentional parallel with Clark's own journey to become a superhero. For a Clark that desperately wanted to be normal, it almost made sense that Lois wasn't readily accepting her own destiny at first either. They're both pushed by other people - Chloe suggesting journalism to a disbelieving Lois and many people wanting Clark to consider the costumed life, but they took their own time and found the right path when it suited them. Just as Clark couldn't stop himself from saving people, Lois couldn't stop herself from digging into stories that were relevant to her. Eventually, just as Clark would take his saving lives to the next level, Lois would soon find her footing, first at The Inquisitor and then impressing Grant Gabriel with her doggedness and willing to pursue a story, landing her a spot at The Daily Planet. This version of Lois Lane didn't believe in destiny, "only the kind you make yourself" is what she was quoted as saying, but at the same time, she ended up where she was supposed to be anyway. And she's good at it too. She's almost discovers Oliver's secret twice and would have if not for Clark's timely interventions. Same way she is the one who figures out where Chloe is being kept and effectively infiltrates the place, going undercover even before Clark and Oliver have a chance to get there.
Right from the get go though, we saw her being caring and loyal. She didn't know who Clark was but insisted on taking him to the hospital, and she only showed up in the first place to get justice on behalf her cousin, revealing a protectiveness over family and friends that was remained consistent with her character. She wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with Lionel Luthor in jail, just as she wouldn't be afraid to go against anyone in the coming seasons- human or someone like General Zod. As a whole, she really was consistent in her attitude and beliefs throughout the course of the show. She gave Chloe advice on how to handle knowing someone's secret who didn't know that they knew after Chloe found out about Clark's powers and then would end up taking her own advice when she found out her own way at the end of s9/s10.
Toward the end of the first episode she was on, after Clark gets his memory back, he goes and finds her by Chloe's grave and she is quick to banter with him. Lois's wittiness is also apart of her character, but she isn't someone who likes to just badger someone; she appreciates bantering with someone who can keep up and liked it when someone (namely Clark) gave it back as good as she threw it out. The script does say 'he smiles, never quite met anyone like her before' and that is a good description of her place on the show and his life.
In fact, she formed instant connections with many people on the show.
Whether it was befriending Lana or deepening her connection with Chloe or endearing herself to Clark's parents, who both grew to love and trust her individually, she became an integral part of many character's lives. And of course Clark was included in that. They liked to bicker and pretend they didn't like each other but there were plenty of moments that proved otherwise. He was the reason she was able to go back to Metropolis University, seeking a favor from Lex to send her back, but at the same time, chose to keep in touch with her by email. Whether she was making him laugh while dunking him (she was very good at making him smile) or giving him solid advice or preventing him from murdering his girlfriend's murderer, she made an impact. Clark had powers she didn't even know about but in Pariah, when he was lost in a sea of grief and guilt and was choking the guy who killed Alicia (his girlfriend at the time), she got through to him. And he managed to stop himself from doing something he would surely later regret. While there was some unacknowledged flirtiness at moments, what she was before she fell for him was a strong friend, which is something he would even say in s7 as she was trying her best to comfort him. She is very good at reading people, giving a confused Clark a journal in s5, because even if she didn't know he had powers, she could sense that he was bottling things up. Lois knew she couldn't get him to talk to her, but she figured she would give him an outlet anyway, which he seemed to appreciate.
Even as she gained a reputation as a chatterbox and could definitely ramble on, she was also a shoulder to all the people who she cared about. Lana described her as a good listener when talking about her to Lex. She would do anything for her family, even when her sister and her dad let her down. The Kents became her family too, and she actually didn't go to Europe in s5 because she wanted to be there for them. There was a reason both Jonathan and Martha chose to trust her with their respective political careers, despite the fact she wasn't quite qualified.
Lois is stubborn but can also admit when she's wrong or has made a mistake. She's a romantic, but she knows her own boundaries and self worth. When Oliver couldn't give her as much time or assurance as she needed, she realized she couldn't settle and walked away, even if it broke her own heart. And she hates being vulnerable but she won't shy away from her feelings and is willing to take a risk if she feels like it is worth it. After she and Clark parted on uncertain terms after they almost kissed - she went to go with an injured Jimmy to Star City, choosing to help her cousin's husband after Chloe had been kidnapped, once again, putting her family first - she issued an invite to meet once she had returned, but said that if he didn't show up, she would let it go. He didn't seem to and she did.
But she won't toy around with anyone else. If she's not with the person she wants to be, she won't go for the sure deal. Even as she and Clark were on shaky terms in s9, getting close to getting together, but not there yet, she didn't jump on Oliver's confession. Lois had been waving off his flirty comments for a few episodes, but then again, he was the one to suggest that they could be friends and he knew about her feelings for Clark so it is understandable she was slightly taken aback at his revelation. She was frank and even as he left, she checked up on him, because she cared about his feelings and their friendship. The only reason that triangle wasn't as bad as the rest was because the one who was in the middle was certain of her feelings and didn't go back and forth, ending it almost as soon as it began.
Lois and Oliver's transition into actual friends, once he moved on, was a highlight of the later seasons. Even as the cast changed, Lois found new relationships with the ones that showed up.
She and Chloe continued to stay strong- after Chloe and Jimmy got divorced, she was implied to be on her cousin's side in arguments with Clark. Again, showing her fight for family. And friends. When Oliver's secret as Green Arrow was at risk, she went undercover to retrieve the evidence. He ended up revealing it to the world, but she did succeed in her task. She initially had an antagonistic relationship with Tess Mercer that slowly changed into a friendship/mutual respect once Tess changed sides.
She and Clark also changed their relationship status from friends to dating. Even after years of knowing each other, Lois was constantly surprising Clark, understanding the Blur's reason to keep his own secret. She fought for Clark and his secret identity, both when she thought they were different people and of course when she found out they were the same. She was constantly standing up for heroes in general when certain politicians tried to besmirch their name. Once Lois knew Clark's identity, she kept it safe, proving even herself wrong that she could, and when it looked like he wasn't going to tell her the truth after all, she was willing it to drop it and walk away. All she wanted him to know was that she could handle it and was ready to take that risk, but at the end of the day, she respected his wishes. That in turn gave him the strength to take that final step and let her in.
Even as Tess and she were on the same side, she would go up against her if it meant bringing Oliver and Clark home safely. When Clark was going to the Kryptonian prison known as the Phantom Zone, where he would be powerless (and Oliver jumped along despite his wishes), Clark told Tess to close the portal if they didn't return in a certain number of hours but Lois wasn't that quick to call it quits once she found out about the plan. She first used threats and then convinced Tess with words to be on her side and the two of them spent weeks staying up to make sure they got home safely. and eventually her faith paid off and they did.
Because that is who Lois is. A fighter, a believer. Lois can defend herself and others, not just physically (though she can also do that) but with her words. She was willing to let Clark go for his own good, but does come back once she's shown his vows and unintentionally eases his own doubts. Her wedding gets ruined, but she just goes with the flow, knowing what is at stake. Lois does what it takes to get on the President's plane and get the right info to the right people. It was fitting that she got Clark to float, she convinced him to fly for the first time since he believed he was Kal-El, and when he did fly, saving the plane she was on, she also saw him in his costume too. They had to wait 7 years apparently to get back to the altar but they were clearly going strong in the future too and he may have been worried that his geek persona wouldn't be enough for her, but she was very clearly into it.
She may not have her own powers or wear a costume, but she is definitely a hero in her own right.