fic recs: jo/laurie, amy & beth, and luna/ginny

Nov 01, 2021 10:35

I got four fics for the
trickortreatex! Here are three of them. :D

Title: The Next Song
Fandom: Little Women
Pairing/Characters: Amy March, Beth March
Rating: G
Word Count: 556
Summary: It took time before Beth was well enough to sit at her piano again, but one day, she felt she could do it.

I'm here for Beth survives AUs and her with Amy is not a duo you see as much but they work so well together so this was especially delightful.

Title: Deadline and Dateline
Fandom: Little Women
Pairing/Characters: Jo/Laurie
Rating: G
Word Count: 409
Summary: Laurie asks Jo to meet him down at the corner barcade. She comes even though it's a work day.

Modern AUs are fun and this one was done well. I just love these two and they write them so well.

Title: find your way home
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Ginny/Luna
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 518
Summary: Ginny tramped through the front door of the house she shared with Luna and breathed an enormous sigh of relief. It had been an unbearable day. Can Luna find a way to help her feel better? Of course she can!

This was very sweet and domestic. I love how Luna can make Ginny's bad day better.

category: femslash, category: femmeslash, fandom: little women, fic rec, category: gen, ship: jo/laurie, friendship: amy-beth, fanfic, category: het, fandom: harry potter, ship: ginny/luna

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