SV Spoiler!

Apr 21, 2009 19:36

Thanks to chrisluvstommy, I found out that Matt at TVGuide answered a question.

The fans of Smallville's Lois and Clark are dying for a "Clois" scoop. Please tell us something wonderful cough-kiss-cough happens in the finale? - Heinzy
MATT: Yet again you twist my arm and make me Q&A Erica Durance.
Now while she was thoroughly handcuffed as to what she could say about the finale, she had plenty to share about this week's episode, "Stiletto." As Lois lands her first one-on-one with the mysterious Red-Blue Blur, Erica says,
"What's lovely is you get to see Clark see Lois in a totally different light -totally smitten and sweet, with all of her barriers down - and that is really romantic." As a result, "Clark becomes closer to Lois, because he gets to see this honest and generous side of her.
I was pretty thrilled about it."

CLOIS! &hearts Though I am wondering how Lois will get an interview with the Blur ... I mean, is he going to wear a costume? Or will he just run around throwing out answers while she stands there and questions? LOL

Either way, I approve. Still not raising my expectations for this episode (at least I am trying not to) but I'm excited for Clois interaction. :)

Feel free to share your thoughts!

spoilers, season 8, fandom: smallville, 8.19 "stiletto"

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