Oct 07, 2008 19:50
So I saw the second debate, which was in a town hall type setting. I was quite happy going on, because seeing the electoral map, Obama has a huge lead. I was hoping he would come in and dominate.
Honestly, I don't think either of them dominated. More than that, this was the debate that I felt like standing up and walking away. I did. They were repeating themselves and went back to childish finger pointing. That's not what people want to hear. The "he said, he did this/that" is painful.
They also both had issues staying within the time limits and twisted the questions to say what they wanted to say.
Both made good points, I'll give them that and I like that Obama brought up education because that is an important issue to me. :D
Overall, it was okay. At least McCain came off less condescending than in the last one but his smile still feels very fake to me.
On a completely unrelated note, I giggled a bit when one of the questioners was named "Oliver Clark". ;)
Feel free to share your thoughts. :)
election 2008