Title: There's So Much More Than Me and You
hmsharmony Fandom: Merlin
Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, romance
Spoilers/Warnings: 3x10 (if you've seen the trailer, you're fine), mentions of possible character death, some sexuality
Words: 2,369
Summary: Her loyalty to Camelot and faith in its future knows no bounds ... and it'll
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To paraphrase G K Chesterton, we know there are monsters, we need these tales to remind us that monsters and evil kings can be defeated.
True, but stories shouldn't only be escapism. Life isn't always happily ever after, and if writers ignore that then I think they do a great disservice to the reading public. Don't get me wrong, I love happily ever afters (my DVD and book collections are filled to the brim with RomCom/Chick-lit), but every once in a while I need a nice cry as well.
That said, the story's left open for a reason. =) There are several more hours left until dawn, and we have no idea what Merlin's been doing while Arthur and Gwen angst away (not to detract from the seriousness of their situation).
If you're looking for a rescue fic, however, I'd definitely check out threemeows's latest fic, Of Fire and Starlight.
I guess I was just expressing my fear. I remember reading fanfic about Robin Hood where they killed off Marian and I thought to myself at the time, 'that's just silly, the writers would never be so foolish as to kill off Robin's one true love'. And then of course, that's just what they did. And I could never watch that show the same way again. It was like bait and switch with Season 3 introducing some character that Robin could fall in love with instead of Marian. Even though I did see the rapprochement with Guy coming a mile off, it just wasn't the same. Oops. Sorry for digressing. I've complained enough about that show. I just don't want Merlin's writers to get any such ideas.
I know that stories are not about escapism. They are, at their best, about the human condition. I know the world can be sad and terrible. I read Shirley Jackson's The Lottery when I was 15 (I did not see that ending coming). I've seen "Our Town" and one of my favorite authors is Henning Mankell. Did I mention I am a Buffalo Bills fan? When I need a good cry, I look at the world and the answers that are needed but just can't be found or made or thought. Then I come to the story of Merlin and Arthur and Gwen and I see grace: courage and humor and daring and kindness. And I think, yes, that's what it looks like when grace works.
I'm sorry if I appeared critical of your writing or your ideas; that was not my intention. Your story is well written. I could wish to have the ability to put words together as you do. You have truly captured Gwen's courage-her grace under fire-which I first saw in "The Mark of Nimue". Gwen was in prison and bravely asked Merlin to just "remember me". I think you've also made Arthur come alive as well-his sense of honor and faithfulness. I can see Bradley and Angel in your words. I also see how your story fits into the notion of grace, Arthur and Guinevere finding the grace to say goodbye so that he can be the king that Camelot needs. Beshrew me then, for I still want the happily-ever-after as well.
Thank you so, so much. That really means a lot. I'm always quite nervous about characterization, so I'm relieved that you think I did Gwen justice.
I honestly think they do get their happily ever after. That just want's the point of this fic in particular (and I'm hesitant to write a sequel because I feel that it would take away from what I was trying to accomplish with this piece). =) Thankfully you have threemeows's absolutely amazing fic to give you your happy ending.
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