March 19 - 26 for Cancers

Mar 20, 2024 11:08

March 19th, the Sun enters Aries at the Equinox, joining Mercury and Chiron. Add to this a lunar eclipse on March 25th across Libra/Aries and your income flow becomes a preoccupation. Is it consistent? Are you under earning or under charging? Knowing that Mercury - planet of commerce - will slow from March 18th to turn backwards on April 1st and that a lunar eclipse across Libra/Aries will change circumstances around you on March 25th, read the small print and look at the financial details.
Are you contemplating a change in career, role or status? A gathering of Sun, Mercury, Chiron in Aries amplified by a lunar eclipse across Libra/Aries on March 25th, suggests so. This could arrive out of the blue, due to circumstances beyond your control. People may leave or work dry up. Start making a financial plan A and B.

Lorna Bevan


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