Dramacon made it on the Best Comics of 2005 list by Publishers Weekly:
http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6280956.html Also on the list are several books that I've read and loved, and recommend highly:
"Salamander's Dream" by
invisiblechord (which I've already mentioned as being awesome)
"Scott Pilgrim" by
destroyerzooey (the book's hilarious)
"The Rabbi's Cat" by Joann Sfar (I can't recommend this one enough--it's smart, funny and the art style is brilliant)
"MBQ" by Felipe Smith (because you're worth it! Bring goggles XD)
I own 3 more books off that list, but I haven't had a chance to read them yet. Because I have no life :D You know I still haven't read Harry Potter #6? I've had the book since the summer, heh. And now A Feast For Crows is out... Gah.
Heh heh, here's a funny story that I hereby title as "Dramacon--the little book that didn't belong." The comics people said it's manga, the manga people said it's not. Woe! So in between the chairs it sat while poor
fantasyreverie attempted to get the fanlisting registered... See story here:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/fantasyreverie/24678.html Hee.
And now, an art, as promised (it's not particularly recent, but I like it.) This one was inspired by Desolation Jones in some way (another comic of much excellence by
Warren Ellis):