(no subject)

Sep 17, 2005 20:54

This week just past is best described with the following scribble:

...I mean, really, I look back, and I _know_ it's been a week. It just feels like one long-ass day of frenzied drawing, toning, and burning, nay, incinerating! midnight oil. Like, YIKES.

Nonetheless, I managed to squeeze out hasty facsimilies for both NS and CR (one is inks, the other pencils). Will be finishing them both up tonight. *flexes*


In case you live in a little hole underground and missed the latest toy Warren Ellis gave us to play with:

Here's what it's about:

And here's the creator's call (webcomickers on case-by-case basis, details in post):

It's been running for a week and it's already an awesome, very informative place. Come play, too! :D
Threads my heart skips a beat for:
"What Defines OEL?" -- http://www.the-engine.net/forum/messages.php?webtag=ENGINE&msg=176.1
"Manga--Threat or Menace?" -- http://www.the-engine.net/forum/messages.php?webtag=ENGINE&msg=66.1
"Salamander's Dream" -- http://www.the-engine.net/forum/messages.php?webtag=ENGINE&msg=210.1
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