Well, poo. The Night Silver page took longer than I planned (as did the sleeping in yesterday morning XD YA ALL BE QUIET, I NEED TO CATCH ON THEM Z'S, SO NO LAUGHING ALLOWED). I did get the NS page posted, but the CR filler strips are still in scribble stage. I'll put up both tomorrow.
NS page (hee hee, I said 'bra' :D):
http://www.wirepop.com/comic_episode.php?id=8&select=current Had such a cool dream yesterday again. I was with a bunch of people I didn't know and we were trying to escape this island-type place that was going all Apocalypse Now on us. There were heavy winds clashing about a small jet standing on a grassy clearing (no ladder, just some sort of scarf hanging from the opening that people were using to climb up), and everyone was rushing to get inside except for me and two other people--we were making sure that everyone was safely aboard. Though me, I had sort of an ulterior motive in being the last to go in--I knew that there was no way we'd survive even if we managed to take off in such weather, and since I was utterly fascinated by the violent beauty of the storm, I wanted to linger as long as possible and see as much as I could. So I just did my best to help everyone in and in the meantime, I watched the churning bay waters. And they were glorious, those waters--black and deep and transparent and covered with a carpet of autumn leaves, all brilliant colours against the dark. The was no foam at all, though the waves were _huge_, rolling and swelling, this tireless and swift liquid shifting and interchanging of valleys and hills (I guess there was a small earthquake going on that caused the bay to be so restless).
There was also a very boring segment where someone tried to fine me for picking dandylions on the track field. Sheesh.
Hey, it's 6 a.m., guess I should like, go sleep or something XD I hope I'll dream of something cool, like travelling in space again. Last time I was in space, I had this awesome map with me, which looked 2D, but was actually 3D (maybe even 4). I didn't know how to use it, so I experimented--sank my hand into the map, picked a bunch of random coordinates, pulled, and 'WHOOOSH'! I suddenly was somewhere that looked a lot closer to the center of the galaxy than our little corner. There were SO many stars and I could see forever far in any direction. An interesting detail--I was standing on sort of a doorstep, which i realized to be a stopover point for travellers. 'Twas neat. :D
Anyhoo. Good morning, world!
*crawls off to bed*