Feeling very out of sorts today. A headache which Tylenol did not vanquish, vague nausea, and dull twinges of pain in my back. Also, skin feels like it does when I get the flu. Yuck. Getting sick would be a very bad idea right now.
And with that lovely prelude out of the way...
Last week was very busy. And there was this one time when I got all pissed off. Well, as close to pissed off as an insufferable sweetheart like me gets, anyway. Times like those I wish I was someone who can live in the moment and just lash out without consideration for consequences. Curse, scream, cause some damage, do some ripping up of things and drive home the point (preferably with some power tools) that I do not appreciate it when people mess with me and mine. I've never tried it, but I imagine there is much vicious satisfaction to be had that way.
...Not being such a person, however, I settled for leering grimly at the offending matter and reminding myself that everything is dust, anyway, and not worth getting worked up about. I also bought "An Evening with Kevin Smith" so that I can hear him be a potty-mouthed sassy bitch instead of acting one myself >.> XD
It's serious crunchtime for the book, now, so comments are off until it's finished. Because I am just too tempted to chat with people when they comment... I'll turn them back on once I'm done. We'll party :3
In the meantime, scribblies!
Weird things:
http://www.svetlania.com/temp/weird.jpg Svet likes drawing wings:
http://www.svetlania.com/temp/morning.jpg Cheers,
P.S. Chumbawamba=love I had the cd since high school and stumbled over it again a couple of days ago, and remembered how much I love them. Contagious dancing beat and smart lyrics, most excellent listening. Also: BRITISH ACCENT, OMGWTF aslkfkfhaishf!!! *melts*
Amazon claims they have more than one cd. *stalks off with possessed glint in eyes*