
Jun 02, 2016 15:41

Привет! И вот я пишу снова почему-то)) Почему? На самом деле пересматривали сегодня мои записи - так получилось, мы с девочкой - эти. тут. И я подумала, что как хорошо!! Что можно посомтреть мою прошлую историю жизни хотя бы тут :)) Чем я жила)) Я совершенно как-то неосознано вела эти записи тогда. И вот сейчас.. Наши бхакты создали группу для изучения английского языка. И моим первым заданием - таким нелепым - было написать эмме на тему "Для чего мне лучшее зание английского языка". И вот я написала))

Hello, dear bhaktas and Gurudevas and so on. At first, I should say that I've got this task - to write an essay on topic "Why do I want to know the English language better?" So.. Why?

Do I lead a bad life now hear in Kiev without good and regular English in my everyday life?

This is another question - good or bad life. We do not discuss now either we lead a good or a bad life and wheather we'd like to make it better.

Why English?

First of all I should say.. that at school I always had good marks on my English classes and as I now remember - everybody in my small English group knew it. They always asked me - not even just asked - they demanded that I had to help them during some tests and controll tasks. So, I had my reputation in that small group of a "good pupil on the English lessons". But - there were other two groups where the teacher was stronger and discipline better than in our group. So, my mother did her best in order me to be included into the English group with the best teacher. No, my marks didn't become worth, but I found myself in a group of clever and interesting people. There wasn't so much time for me to get known everything they had studied during all that years - because I came to that group and teacher in the 10th form. May be - unfortunately...

Why do I want to know English now? Because I want to use my brain.... and not let it lay just on the shelf... So.. I try to find differrent helpers on this way. Of course, The First Good Helper is My Guru, Goswami Maharaj. Then, I've got a good friend of mine - He is Madhusudan Maharaj. And it was very pleasant to assosiate with Mahayogy, too.... I think that different knowledges can help you in different situations in your life. It is a possibility to know MORE if you can communicate with a person whose native language is better. They lead another life there, they live differently. Of course, everywhere people face different problems but it is the possibility to learn something from them and exchange our experience. May be, I looked at my mother who had never known English, and I looked at my father who'd translated an English book on the topic of his work - and this book was popular, people used to buy it when it had already been translated into Russian language by my father.

1 more language is one more possibility to talk to people and communicate with them about the culture of their country and so on. It is 1 more possibility to help YOURSELF to get known how to overcome different problems in your life, how to improve your life and make it better. May be this is why I've met my Guru, because He is an English-speaking person. And all this story that I've just told has helped me to understand Him at least a little and show people that we understand each other - when we communicate.. Because.. the biggest reason why he's become my Guru is that we understand each other without any words. (I hope).

Why do I want to know the English language better? Becouse I am convinced that people SHOULD do the things and try hard in it in order to search for people in the company of which they feel themselves comfortly and the company of which helps them to progress in any ways starting with cooking and till any trigonometric equals. My point is: DO ALL YOUR BEST IN ORDER TO PROGRESS IN WHATEVER YOU WANT. BECAUSE THE PROGRESS IS THE ONLY POINT OF LIFE. Not degradation.

Вот так вот. Такой мой лозунг жизни на английском. Что-что, а единственное хорошее, что мне привило мое детство - любовь к английскому, другому языку. Как какая-то внутренняя потребность. И на данном моменте плод этого всего = Мой Гуру, которого я встретила.
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