What ? A Beatles' fic ?

Mar 26, 2010 16:04

Et oui, il fallait s'y attendre, à force d'écouter les Beatles à longueur de journée, de regarder leurs films, de lire des fics sur eux, j'ai craqué et j'ai commis mon premier RPS. En anglais en plus. Allez savoir pourquoi je n'ai pas écrit en français, ça m'a juste paru plus naturel de le faire dans la langue de Harrison ( laissons Shakespeare un peu tranquille ).
Sinon,  "All my loving" n'a pas été écrite en studio, mais dans les coulisses de leur tournée de 1963. Et George n'a pas participé à la composition non plus. Mais bon, Paul et George n'ont - du moins officiellement - jamais été ensemble non plus, alors...

All my loving
Personnages : George Harrison/Paul McCartney
Rating : K+/PG
Disclaimer : Ceci est un récit de fiction, les Beatles s'appartiennent à eux-mêmes et "All my loving" appartient à Lennon et McCartney même si le premier n'a pas participé à l'écriture ou à la composition de cette chanson.
Warnings : Cucul-la-praline... Et sûrement des fautes de grammaire anglaise.
Note : PoV George Harrison.

Nobody stays at the studio but Paul and me. Every day, it's the same thing. He pretends he had a song to finish and so I.
Every day we stay alone without speaking. We just wait. A word. A movement. A smile. A look.
We wait but nothing comes. Never.
So after one hour or two we leave.
Just a "See you tomorrow" and we leave. Nothing more.
But not today. Today everything will change. I know we want the same thing but we don't dare to do anything. So I will do change the things.
Paul is plunging in the writing of a new song. As usual. So I come near him. Just behind him.
I come near and I lean across his shoulder.

-What are you writing ?
-Just a little something.
-I would like to listen this little something. It seems to be great.
-Really ?
-Thanks. But I don't have the melody yet.
-Not yet ?
-Do you need some help ?
-Why not.

I catch my guitar, sit beside Paul and try the little melody that comes to my mind. It's basic as the lyrics.
Paul listens to me but he doesn't look at me.

-It's good, George. Very good.
-Yeah ?

And for the first time since many weeks, we look at each other, eyes in eyes. And we smile. But immediately, Paul looks away.
We can't make a step forward and two behind. Not now that I have decide to change the things.
So I continue to play guitar and begin to sing.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,
Tomorrow I'll miss you;
Remember I'll always be true

-Stop it, please.
-What ?

He looks at me and I can see the sadness in his eyes.

-Stop playing with me, Geo'.

Oh, I was the only one to see we want the same thing. Dear little Paul, you're too blind for your own good.

-I don't play, Paul. I never play with you.
-Yes ?

If it can make you happy, I'll continue.

I'll pretend that I'm kissing
the lips I am missing
And hope that my dreams will come true.

-About what do you dream, Geo' ?

His voice is hot in my ear. I swallow hardly when I see his look full of desire.

-About you. And you ? About what do you dream ?

I know the answer but I need to hear it.

-Only about you. I love you, Geo'.
-I know it. I love you too.

His face comes closer and closer. I lick my lips and close my eyes. His lips are soft and hot on mine.
Finally, we have what we wanted.

All my loving, darling I'll be true.

genre: romance, english, genre: rps, rating k, couple: slash, george harrison, paul mccartney, fandom: the beatles

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