In Chinese medicine it is understood that chronic illness starts with emotions. Summertime is the best time to help yourself heal from things like depression and sadness. Both of those emotions relating to lungs are slow moving energies and summertime is fast energy. Good things are walks, exercise, sweat to help lungs detoxify. Be with friends, open your heart and share with them
I would not be who I am without my teacher. He was right. Every experience is different- exciting, boring, painful. If you don't experience this, how can you help others? Keep your experiences as encouragement for others. Bad, good- they are all enlightening for others.
Life is good because I can love others, I can forgive myself and others, I can laugh and I can smell and taste good food.
When you do not choose hope, the anxiety chases you around and around like a dog with a tail. If it is dark you can choose a candle...or not. You cannot stay in the middle.
He said: life is always full of challenges and experiences. He said don't give up hope.
When I made the change in my views on life, I read books from all the wonderful teachings of Buddha, Jesus, etc. and about the love they shared to everybody. Now when something challenging happens I have the choice to choose joy or give up.
I will always choose happiness. для тех, кто выбирает счастье (неплохо читать на английском, может через гугл)