Skunk hair.

Nov 16, 2008 14:04

Went across the street for day-old doughnuts and a Frappucino. They had no coffee Haagen Dazs.
The cashier-girl had that hair. You know that hair; it's shortish, it's mostly brown and there are inexplicable blonde/white/ew-colored chunks - But it was probably cut and dyed professionally...? And she had that face, you know the somewhat cute girl, who's only cute because she has no reason not to be. With the usual piercings, a lip ring, a nose stud.
The bagger-girl had the same hair, only longer with bangs. She'd be 'cute because there's no reason for her not to be', except she's a little dumpy. She probably has a more interesting personality out of the two. You can tell they're friends because cashier-girl had no bagger and bagger-girl ran up to help her and they made chat. That, and the looked alike. Reversed lip & nose piercing and eyebrow stud on bagger-girl.

Is it really attractive to anyone? ... Besides dudes that wanna bang emo sluts?
I find it so played out. I'm sure they think they look ironically cute (and somehow asian[??]), but they all look like the same fucking girl to me. At school, in public - they're everywhere and they all look the same:

IMG Google - "emo hairstyles"
You know this girl. And if you don't know more than 3, you probably ARE one or just think they're hot. Because you like emo whores.

IMG GOOGLE - "emo whores"
The girls start OUT with pure black/white and then it faaades.

GOOD GOD, they look so goddamned like the same person! I would say to them "You want Hello Kitty?" All three say 'YES'.


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