I'm sitting on my German stuff. A highlighter is pressing into my ass. I want to do my homework, but I also really want to lie down for a while and reread some Natsuo Kirino.
I apparently do not get cable in my bedroom anymore. That... kind of sucks. Not really. I just can't gauge my time based on Cartoon Network's line-up anymore.
Smelling miso-noodle tofu soup I just microwaved. Looks like German is getting pushed aside until later, as I would rather listen to the soundtrack of Les Chevaliers du Ciel and eat. And maybe oh god i don't even care anymore
Do you?
I haven't stepped on a scale in a while. I'm scared to. I feel slightly heavier, but I haven't been doing much of anything, so... But it's not like PT is going to make me lose weight. I don't know how I started eating again, but I should probably stop.
A few lucky female friends on my flist are 100>. Grumble. I am size four. I am 5'2. I am 34DD. I am just not built to weigh that little :\ I weigh more than my boyfriend... STILL. But that's not very hard; I like the emaciated look.
Yeah man. SKINNY BRITISH FUCKS. UNH POINTY CHEEKS AND CHINS YEAH. My boy isn't even that skinny.
I also want NO TITS and very little flesh like Keira Knightly. She looks like some project by Ed Gein.