Oct 30, 2007 22:56
So after what seems like ages of sameness, suddenly everything goes all topsy turvy.
I'm not sure if I miss the sameness. It was predictable, at least.
In other news, the newish Iron and Wine album "The Shepherd's Dog" is absolutely fantastic. For you Iron and Wine fans out there, it has the quiet, slow warmth of earlier Iron and Wine (Such Great Hights, Naked As We Came, for example, with the fleshed out orchestrations of the Woman King EP (basically the whole album, really). Altogether, it still has the intimate feeling of old Iron and Wine, but has been musically fleshed out. I can't give Iron and Wine enough praise for how good their music is, and if you've ever heard me talk about them otherwise, you know this is true. FIND AND GET THIS ALBUM. It's worth paying for. Standout Tracks: Innocent Bones, Carousel, Resurrection Fern, Boy With A Coin. Less favorite (but still good) tracks: Peace Beneath the City, Wolves (Song Of The Shepherd's Dog).
4 Standout Tracks and 2 slightly less than completely awesome tracks? That leaves 6 more tracks that are pretty awesome. Seriously.