Along with allegedly being immune to colds, idiots also seem to be unable to read numbers.

Sep 27, 2009 14:19


Okay, so while he's in China, my grandpa (I'll just call him yeye now, it's easier that way) lent me his cellphone because I don't have one.  I mean I'm still in high school, I don't really need one, but this year my brother and I are doing different things after school so now I can tell my parents stuff. Whatever.

So on last Tuesday while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up, a really irritating ring tone scared the poop out of me.  It was a random text message that said something along the lines of  "wassup wt wonderlan on sat" which obviously made no sense to me.  So feeling that it was only proper courtesy to tell the person they accidentally texted the wrong person, I sent them a reply (which took me five very sad minutes of trying to figure out how to text) that stated something like "you have the wrong number".

They texted me AGAIN saying "what do u mean" and by now I was feeling slightly suspicious that the person I was dealing with wasn't the brightest crayon in the proverbial box.  I just decided to ignore them.  Then the freaking ringtone appeared again, and the person had spammed me again with "whats hapenin on sat" and I seriously contemplated just sending them a reply with lots of lovely expletives.  (Yes the ringtone is freaking irritating.)

I angrily typed (faster this time, I was getting more pro at this "texting" business lol) "who are you because I don't know who the heck you are" and they replied something like "wendy dude we met at some party monday etc" and later on "what do u mean who r u".


I think I wasted the next five minutes of my life trying to explain that they had the wrong number and they couldn't understand me even after I wasted my time writing in coherent non-abbreviated words.  (In hindsight, maybe I should've used things like "i dun kno who u r bc u hav wrng num". Maybe they were illiterate and couldn't understand me! That would explain so much.)  I just turned off the phone after a while and ignored the weird idiot.

Then they texted me again on Thursday and Friday about freaking Wonderland and I felt like smashing my head through several brick walls. I nobly ignored them. Again.

But the icing on this person's fail cake?

I forgot to turn off the phone yesterday. I went to bed because I was really tired and wanted to sleep, dammit.  But then the wretched ringtone, at precisely twelve freaking forty five am, scared the crap out of me and pretty much knocked me awake out of my nice sleep.   Like I mentioned before, I was really tired and wanted to sleep dammit so I ignored it but then it rang again two minutes later and I had to get out of bed and turn the bloody phone off.

Messages sent to me:
"yo [something something I don't care it was twelve fiftyish by then and I was sleepy and feeling homicidal] so transportation talk to your mon"
"what do you mean who r u"


Thank you, unknown brainless girl allegedly blonde and named Wendy, for ruining the sleep that for the first time in about two years didn't take me about three hours of lying uselessly awake to attain.  Thank you for making me hate that bloody ringtone. Thank you for waking me up in the middle of a dream that wasn't a nightmare, unlike my usual ones, and ruining one of the best dreams I've had in years.  Thank you for scaring the shit out of me by writing "mon" (and Hosiocat you'd probably be scared too if that happened after yesterday's long gchat).

And most of all, thank you so much for wasting your money by sending inane messages proclaiming your boundless idiocy to my almost-ninety-year-old-and-currently-in-China yeye's cellphone trying to get him to remember you from a party he never attended so that you can have fun with him at Wonderland, mon.

Tomorrow I'm going to give Clive my phone and make her figure out how to turn off that stupid text message ringtone. Or I'm going to kill something.  Preferably something that starts with a "w" and ends with "endy".

I will track you down on Facebook. Somehow. It is probably possible.  You gave me your cellphone number.  If I ever become a professional assassin or some weird governent agent, I will end or ruin your life, respectively.

Adieu, my alleged friend whom I have never met and never want to meet, adieu.


Lesson learned: Don't wake up Sven with irritating noises, or she will try and kill you. (I'm sorry Oswald, I didn't mean to punch you in the nose two years ago at that sleepover at Mel's house! :'DDD  <-- confession)

c'est la vie

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