From driftingforward

Feb 18, 2009 15:52

... or am I supposed to write scribe_protra?  I HAVE NO IDEA LALALA.

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

(By 'elaborate' I'm assuming that I'm supposed to expand on why it's related to me...?  Or am I totally wrong?  I don't know, this is kinda vague x'D  Drifting, I'm confused! -wibble-)


1 SmoAce (duh)

Oh, they're just my two favourite characters of all time from One Piece.  NO SERIOUSLY THEY'RE TOTALLY AWESOME WHEEEEE.  And together they're even MORE awesome!  The first time I saw this pairing... actually, I'm not going to type another 3000 words.  Go look up my weird rant thing.  x'D

I'm going to be loving this pairing for a long time.  It's just that awesome!  And I have a feeling some people will murder me if I ever leave.

2 More SmoAce Awesome essays

I like more SmoAce.  Awesome essays is a lie.  A complete and utter lie.  More of a lie than cake.  I may not SUCK at them per se, but I'm not that great.  And I have no idea how I'm going to survive through this semester because ENGLISH IS ALMOST AS AWFUL AS MATH.  -cries-

On the other hand, I'm an excellent ranter!  Because I'm awfully chatty and just can't shut up, so nonsensical rants are good.  Maybe not even 'rants', but just long-winded babbling nonsense.

3 Utter crack (justice puppies are so damn cute)

This is a sign that I am horribly immature and that I will never ever ever grow up and become a sensible adult.  Ever.  My brain just doesn't function any other way except 'lololololcrackcrackcrackcrackcrackcatwomancrackcrackcrack' so society might be better off with me doing something stupid when I grow up x'D

If you need proof I run on crack, just ask people I know outside the internets.  Besides, people I don't even know that well always think I'm younger than I actually am.  -snerk-  I FOOL THE MASSES BWAHAHAHA!

4 Amazing art

There are plenty of people who draw better than me.  You people should actually go to deviantART sometime.  Oh, there's this totally awesome guy who draws totally awesome One Piece fanart!  His name is e1n on dA, and he's on LJ too.  I think his name is e1njuwannakno or something like that here.

5 That damn icon. Is it a Pokemon or something? I have no idea. But it dances! I think I'm addicted.

Haha, I found this icon a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away on a Phoenix Wright fan site!  It is not a Pokemon -- it is the BLUE BADGER!!!  Mascot of the police!

6 Your LJ that takes ages to load for no apparent reason

(It might be the horrifically cutesy layout.  I'm sorry about all the pink, and the hearts, and the flowers, and everything, but I haven't really found a layout that doesn't cut off my pictures.  I found a couple that were nice, but they just went "lolol let's just truncate your ridiculously large pics and amputate people!", so I couldn't keep them.  I guess I'll just stick with the happy lovey daisy sunshine layout for now x'D)

c'est la vie

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