(no subject)

Apr 04, 2006 00:11

Spring term started today, and a friend of mine from grad school at UC Berkeley came to interview for a job. His talk was great though I fear the search committee is looking for someone in a different field. I hope not because it would have been a waste of his time to have come. His talk was great and he fielded the questions very well. The work he presented was inspired in part by a field trip to Medicine Lake to look at the largest obsidian flows in N America - Allen and I had been there; in fact, our first wedding anniversary was spent driving back with a professor and post-doc. We had Jack-in-the-Balpha for our anniversary dinner.

It gets foggy or cloudy here a lot. When there are clouds, the sky is spectacular, and we've had 2-3 thunderstorms too. Nothing like the midwest but different from what we're used to. The first thunderstorm was really scary. I felt like I was in a lighthouse on a stormy night and that the sharp, crackling, violent lightning would snap the house in two. It went on like that for hours.

I still feel like I have three full-time jobs: the job for which I get paid, baby care, and home improvements/repairs. Fionn is now 5 months old! He can't sit up yet, but he can very competently roll over and grab and manipulate toys. Just the concept of a toy is a fairly new thing, and it was interesting to see him transition from a needs-only person to a person with wants and desires.

We have such few friends here. I should join a playgroup - if not for myself, at least for the boy to have other babies to play with. One pair of friends, with a baby one week Fionn's junior, are moving back east. They were our only friends here in a baby-related sense. I'm sad to see them go, since their parenting philosophy (and therefore larger life philosophy) is so like ours.

I really ought to go to bed.
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