not so much applause, please, that's how fascism started

Nov 17, 2010 22:39

Alright I've fallen off my wagon again and planning my jump back on again.

Since I can't be trusted to do anything on my own free will, I placed a fascist list printed in the most authoritarian font of all: helvetica on the wall in my room I can't avoid to see if that curbs my lazy hippie ways. I must be a robot in order to accomplish all the things I'd like to in a day until that shit is so ingrained in my brain matter that even after I take down the list my mind will still see it there.
desperate times call for desperate measures. let's see how well this shit works.

My year off's end is fast approaching and I must look for a job. I'm scared to death of this. One thing's for sure, nigga gotta bring her a-game.

I'm supposed to be going to DR in mid-December for the holidays and will probably be back abouts mid-gennaio. If I'm gonna land a cheaper flight I'm going to have to miss opening weekend of Tron: Legacy which I'm okay with since the movie will still be in theaters by the time I return and we could go to a Sunday matinee and no one will be there to pester my soul.

If this trip happens, it may be the last time I go to DR until someone I actually want to be there with wants to go. Hopefully this time I get what i really want out of this trip: to see the pretty parts my mother country.

I've been watching many a films. I watched Scott Pilgrim on Amazon On Demand as it had not reached me by this time and I had the itchy twitchies to watch it. yesterday I took advantage of a free rental on Amazon and watched Winnebago Man and my love for Jack Rebney was rekindled. I particularly love that he's an hilariously honest man and as a former broadcast journalist (!!!) feels the same way about modern journalism as I do. I kept watching docs on Netflix with Helvetica and I'm Trying to Break Your Heart: A Film about Wilco. Helvetica gave me the tingles because i LOVE the font and player hated on the haters. During I'm Trying to Break Your Heart I fell in love with everyone in Wilco, felt bad for Jeff Tweedy when those annoy people kept asking him retarded questions backstage. Since I'm a sucker for awesome rocker dads, I loved him with his kids, especially the genius one who has a blog that I refuse to read because he's so smart and articulate it makes me feel like fool haha. kid's not even in high school yet!

I've also spent a lot of time falling in love with many a men. My current crushbots are writer/director Edgar Wright, rocketnumbernine drummer Tom Page, Arcade Fire's Will Butler and Siriusmo. le sigh.

In less mundane things, I finished my first read of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. This book is THE most amazing thing I've ever read. It's the only book I feel I NEED in my life, to re-read as often as I can just to remind myself of what's important when I'm feeling like a douchebag. After reading the book, I feel as if I now understand a lot of things I didn't get before, learned new things and had many of my beliefs reaffirmed. It's also increased my urgent sense of duty and I feel the need to help others as much as possible, volunteer somewhere like a hospice or hospital. Not just talk about doing it but actually doing it. This book is what's driving me to finally gain this discipline I've been yearning for all my life, to do it now without lamenting past mistakes.

Man I hope this list helps me out. I gotta take it day by day and gain some patience, patience, patience. so much harder than it sounds.
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