Oh yeah, hello lj...how have you been?

Apr 24, 2009 13:59

Okay sooo..just to get it out of the way.

Holding steady at 107lbs. It has not been easy, trust me. I have yet to go a couple of days without throwing up but at least I'm at a healthier weight than when I was in Minneapolis. Oh I still have my days where I wake up feeling more like 500lbs. I still have my breakdowns and refuse to go out. I still can't help but count the calories because it's so second nature now.

But the biggest difference is that I can have my cake...and eat it too.* :)

I forgot my flashdrive with all my latest pictures at my parents house and I didn't want this post to be completely pictureless since it's been so long so I just took some with my phone.Sorry for the quality. I will have my FD the next time I post.

I have been doing a lot of going out, especially over to Hollywood and the L.A. area. Although, this past weekend has been pretty tame because of work and everyone was feeling a little under the weather. I moved out with my 3 closest girlfriends into a new apartment which I absolutely love. The last time I went out was to Vanguard to see DJ Kascade...the one that does "Day and Night" by Kid Cudy. I also saw Rihana hanging out with Brody Jenner at Les Deux. Okay I know Brody kind of acts like a D-bag but he is damn fine. And Rihana is just a tiny little thing. The picture above is our "Wall of Shame." Our apartments said we could paint the walls so we painted that wall a deep red...you know, to represent the fires of hell and wrath. When we don't go out, we will usually have people over and play youthful games like King's Cup.

My friends threw a surprise birthday party for me (I turned 23 on March 10 but we celebrated it the Saturday before). I got my makeup and hair done. The girls went to a sex show a few days before and bought a sash that said "Kiss Me, It's My Birthday." We ate at the Geisha House in L.A. and then went club hopping where we ended the night at Vanguard. I dropped E for the first time and at first I felt like shit because I had taken some shots of vodka which you are NOT supposed to do if you're going to roll. So I was pretty mad at myself because I thought my night was done at 11:30 but after sitting down for a few minutes upstairs and drinking some water, I felt way better. It was like all of a sudden my senses were heightened and everything felt so good. I told my friend that was looking after me, "Dude, I can feel my heels on my feet. They feel soooo good. It's like my feet are having sex with my shoes!" HA!

So besides going out. I've been talking to this guy and it looks like it might turn into something more serious. We are pretty much only seeing each other. His name is Adam, he's 26 and he is from Chicago but he lives and works in the O.C. He's really hot and the best part? Incredibly funny and witty. Sometimes he just says things that I have no comeback for and all I can think is, "oh damn that's hot." There is nothing I love more than a guy that can make me laugh AND outwit me from time to time. It keeps things challenging and unpredictable. I would say our sense of humor resembles that of Jim and Pam from The Office (love that show!). Sadly I have no pictures right now but I will try and get one of us this weekend. I just came back from his place this morning. Oh and did I mention the sex is GREAT? Because oh yeah...it is.

Still into fashion and the like.

Ugh...I didn't think it would take this long to post and I didn't even get to update as much as I wanted to. I have to end it here for now because I have work in an hour. I think my roommates are going out but since I don't get off till late, I will most likely just hang around the apartment tonight and go online. I wanted to write some more and post pictures from my camera. I also really want to see how everyone is doing.

*And not always throw it up.*
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