It has been months

Jul 04, 2009 23:32

My old pig momo has passed on today - after a long 8.5 yrs on this earth. For many pet lovers, this is devastating cos i had him since i returned from the states. I shed a tear or two when he went but he really led an old and fulfilling life.

Most of the time pigs live only for about 5 years and 8 yrs old is really a very ripe old age..sad to say i missed the pig..although he breathed his last this morning. Last night i heard him grunt in pain probably knowing that he was going to heaven pretty soon due to its ill health. His mom also lived a ripe old age of 8.5 yrs old. HIs sister tho didn't have a long life - only 1 year when she died due to complications of health.

Well after momo died, i needed to find some sense of relief and lost to the pigs so i bought 2 new ones from the petshop. They dont look anything like my two pigs but i wanted to fill the void and also i still had the food and equipment for the pigs anyway at home..told my mom not to give away the cage that housed him in for 8 yrs. She was almost going to give it to the salvation army..

I got two males - Marc & Jacob:) brand names dark brown sheltie and one lavender colored coronet which are amazingly cute and 5 weeks old.

I have two female hamsters - mIu miu and loewe who have been blessed already in our home cos they are getting rounder and rounder by the minute in our home.

Yep so that is my new additions..sad yet happy news to adopt new pets which i believe my family would love.

Will be posting new pics shortly of course using my slr skills when they are more settled in my home.
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