{{♥Easy stuff♥}}
♥age♥ 17
♥gender♥ Female
♥sexual preference♥ Male
♥grade♥ 12th
♥single or taken♥ Taken!!
♥hobbies/sports♥ I like hanging out with my friends and just having a good time, I love to twirl! 0-----0
♥color♥ Hot Pink,Blue and Purple
♥animal♥ Dogs
♥store♥Gadzooks,AE, Hollister
♥singer/band♥ I like any type of music
♥actor♥ Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller
♥actress♥I love Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning<3
♥movie♥Up town girls, Mean girls, Butterfly affect, Meet the parents, The notebook
♥tv show♥ The quints, That 70's show, and Committed
♥number♥ 1, and 28
♥day of the week♥ Friday <3
{{♥What do u think about? ♥}}
♥abortion♥I think it is wrong if you had sex willingly, If you got raped you should be able to get one or if you medically can not have the baby, but if you go around having sex then its not fair to the baby
♥same sex marriages♥ NO you should do to what the bible says ans marry the other sex!!!!
♥bush winning- I love Bush he has done alot for this country and keep us together when we all needed eachothers support on 9-11 and after that we are a stronger nation. I'm glad we have 4 more years with him!!!
♥fat people♥ some people are just fat because of some health condtions and some are because apparently they cant control thier eating habbits. I dont judge people by there weight so I dont really care about how fat some one is you just have to gain self respect and try to lose weight.
♥eating disorders♥ I think its stupid not to eat because you dont like the way you look, you have to raise your self esteem you dont have to throwup or not eat
♥ugly people I feel sorry for them because they cant help it
♥self-mutalation♥ STUPID STUPID STUPID! You should never do it nothing gets that bad.
♥religion♥ Im not sure about this one, I have to say that i'm a christian but people should have there own beliefs and have whatever religion they want!
♥sex before marraige♥ If you have one partner that you trust or have known for a long time its fine but having sex with multiple people.. ugh your just a SLUT
♥drinking♥I think drinking is stupid unless your old enough and can handle your self with it.
♥drugs♥ The stupidest thing in the world. You don't need them for people to think your cool!!
{{♥Are you??♥}}
♥smart♥ I think I am.. Im not like ditzy and stupid
♥dumb♥ I dont know everything but I try my best to learn something new every day
♥funny♥ I hear that Im funny all the time<3 so yes
♥sarcastic♥ I can be some times but I like to be serious too.
♥loud♥ Yes<3
♥quiet♥ Only when Im upset
♥nice♥.. ughh some times
♥mean- Yes more then no
♥hyper♥ Most of the time
♥fashionable♥ Yes
♥trendy♥ Yes I like to wear whats in style.. except those ugly rug looking things that you wear like over your clothes like a shawll lol
♥geeky♥ No
{{♥This or that♥}}
♥vanilla or chocolate♥ chocolate
♥gold or silver♥ Silver
♥cat or dog♥Dog
♥jeans or skirts♥ both
♥Inside or Outside?♥ Outside when its nice out
♥Louis Vuitton or Coach?♥ coach
♥pepsi or coke♥ pepsi
♥ashlee or jessica♥ jessica
♥Paris or Nicky♥ nicky
♥cold or hot♥ Hot
♥Cheerleading or Dancing?♥ Dancing
♥busy or relaxed♥ busy
♥hyper or tired♥ Hyper
♥night or day♥ Night
♥summer or winter♥ Summer
{{♥When you hear this color, what comes to mind♥}}
♥pink♥ my room♥red♥ A heart
♥green♥ Money<3
♥yellow♥ The sun
♥blue♥ Water.. a pool
♥white♥ Plain
♥orange♥ Bright and fun
{{♥Burn Book♥}}
♥Pick 3 celebrities of your choice and burn them♥
♥1. ♥ Brittany Spears- The most annoying slut to exsist
♥2. ♥ Kelly Clarkston- Just flat out annoying
♥3. ♥ Ashlee Simpson- Stupidest skank.. EVER (can't sing worth crap)
♥What is one quality you like about yourself and why♥ Im very funny, I like this quality because I know how to have a good time
♥If you had to rate yourself overall on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?♥ 8 becuase I like my personality but not my looks
♥Make us laugh, tell a joke or something, or post a funny picture♥