Feb 15, 2011 12:00
I made a post yesterday about an online book club. It seems like there may indeed be enough interest to move forward. Here are the decisions I have made so far:
-I am going to declare the first book to be "The Architecture of Happiness" by Alain de Botton.
-I will make it a month turn around time.
-I am going to try and have us pick books 3 months out... so people can choose which books they want to read and have plenty of time to find and read the book. If we host on LJ I can easily set up polls so that members can vote on future books.
- I am currently checking out good reads I want to find out if there is a compelling reason to host it there over LJ. I have an LJ account and have set up groups and have a fairly good idea how it works, but there may be some good reasons to choose Goodreads instead.
I think that is it... anyone have a love of goodreads and what to give me a summary of why it is a good idea?