Tarot card of the month "The Sun" for May 2011

May 10, 2011 20:43

The Sun is the great revelator! Things that have been hidden or in the shadows come to the light now.
But this is not the light of Judgement, but the light of enlightenment. In particular this month old outdated contracts
with people will be terminated through this enlightened perpective and with that the ability to dismiss what is useless,
outdated and unnecessary obstacles towards our spiritual growth. Healing is the answer this month, healing coiming from the sun
and nature, healing from old wounds inflicted in the dark winter months. That is all behind you now as you go forth
with the renewed energy and support that comes from the creative space that has been hidden behind the old contracts.
This month is a time to let go and be free. The supportive positive forces gather about you to help you in your journey.
With your renewed sense of being remeber to be open to where that journey may lead now, it may be an unexpected and
unexplored road. Take the creative path of renewal, let go of the negative contracts and move forward with the
renewed and spiritual energy and physical strength that will now be yours.

"The Sun"
by An-Magrith Erlandsen
5.2 x 3 ft.
oil on canvas
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