I have had this idea for a while now, but it has turned out very difficult to compile. I mean, some you do remember but definitely not all. I usually switch channel when commercial air, you see. (Luckily the two government channels are not allowed to have commercials.)
First is my number one all time. It’s Sony Bravia - the song is "Heartbeats" by José González. I love the colours and of course the whole idea. And the close-ups are really the dot over the i! There is also a video of how they made the commercial - don’t forget to watch that too.
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Second is Visa and the song is "Non Stop" by Whitey. Maybe a warning is appropriate here; if you don’t want to see a man’s butt, stay away! ;) I like the idea in this one, because it’s unusual. Usually it’s the other way around; almost naked women. Of course the commercial is prejudiced/disparaging, a bit unreal and not so flattering for men because not all is as fit like the guy in the video. But it’s funny, that’s why I chose this commercial.
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Third is on the same theme; a bit prejudiced/disparaging but it takes a funny twist in the end. I’m not fond of Ben Affleck; it could have been a different guy in the commercial, that’s not why I chose it but because looks aren’t everything. The commercial is Axe and the song is "Gangster of Love" by Johnny Watson.
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The last one is so cute! :) I’m quite sure that you can figure out why ... It’s Alvedon; a Swedish medicine against headache and the song is "That’s What Friends Are For" by Dionne Warwick. (Please click on Film2.)