Apr 29, 2013 11:43
Пасхалка от разработчиков.
29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 Begin v4.010/21.01.2005,13:56(Final-Release)
29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 Running under: Windows NT 5.1 (build: 2600, Service Pack 2)
^ 29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 Connect From xx.xx.xx.xx #xxxx
29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 Establishing BinkP transfer protocol
29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 M_NUL : OPT CHT
29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 Remote supports interactive chat
29-Apr-2013 11:33:54 M_NUL : BTH Happy Birthday to Alex Shakhaylo, 2:461/700, who tried hard to make you happy ! ;)