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I realize that I am stealing quite a bit from my friend,
digital_panther ... but this really caught my attention. Though I do believe that there will be a bit more obvious consequences than the author does... I cannot help to agree with him that doing nothing is a far more dangerous choice.
I readily admit that I have no answers regarding this ongoing world wide debate. I don't have the scientific, mathmatical, or analytical skills necessary to make a truly informed decision on just who is right in their fateful predictions. However, I think there are some simple choices (simple, not easy) that could have both immediate and long term consequences, both positive and negative... but that I truly think are worth the risk.
Focus the millions and billions of dollars that we waste on dubious endeavors that look and sound really cool, but that have little to no immediate benefit to us... i.e. certain aspects of space exploration... onto finding, creating, promoting, and legislating the use of renewable ecological friendly energy sources.
Anyway, please view and share... if nothing else, it is definitely thought provoking..