Issue #396

Aug 11, 2013 21:35

Fandom news:

femslash100 opens Challenge #381: orbit .

Deliverance 2/4 by whiteroses77 (Clark/Oliver, G, WIP)
Embracing the Future by serafina19 (Chloe/Oliver, G, AU)
If You Want Me by poetgirl925 (Chloe/Oliver, R, WIP)
Stranger Than Fiction by nevcolleil (Clark/Lex, PG-13)
The Truth About Men and Women by phoenixnz (Clark/Lois, R, AU, WIP)
Art and manips:

Lois Lane: Trench Coats by arefactions (Lois, photoset)
Lucas Luthor by smallvilles (gifset)

escapist90 posts new 'Collateral' stills.

Got fandom news? Comment or mail us at!
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