Fandom news:
het_bigbang opens sign-ups for a
multifandom het Big Bang.
thelittlebang opens sign-ups for a
multifandom femslash Big Bang.
Fandom meta:
serafina20 asks about
pairing smush names.
Canon meta:
beck_liz reviews
10.21 'Finale'.
eat_crow updates the
masterlist for reviews of 10.21 'Finale'.
entil2001 reviews
10.21 'Finale'.
grimorie reviews
10.21 'Finale'.
jeannev reviews
10.21 'Finale'.
littlehollyleaf reviews
10.21 'Finale'.
scrollgirl discusses
Lana and
voldything reviews
10.21 'Finale' (image-heavy).
xparrot reviews
10.21 'Finale'.
Authentic Fun by
twinsarein (Clark/Lex, NC-17)
Not The Way by
tallihensia (Lois/Lex/Superman, NC-17)
Snowbound by
bradygirl-12 (Clark/Oliver, NC-17)
Somebody Save Me! by
bradygirl_12 (Clark/Lex, Zod, R)
The Together Future by
tallihensia (Clark/Lex, PG)
Your Hero by
scrollgirl (Clark/Lois, Lois/Oliver, Clark/Lois/Oliver subtext, NC-17)
Art and manips:
44 'Fortune' and 'Scion' icons by
kg1507256 'Finale' icons by
vvalBusted! by
tyffi (manip, Lex/OFC, [G])
Teach Me How To Fly by
digitalwave (manip, Clark, PG-13)
tariel22 posts links to
Tom Welling's recent interviews and appearances.
Got fandom news? Comment or mail us at!