Title: Chlollie-Ween Fic Challenge - Back to the Future 2/?
Author: Cking1575
Fandom: Smallville AU
Pairings: Chloe/Oliver
Rating: PG-13 on the safe side...there be talk of sex and naughty words...naughty naughty words. :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville/DC or the characters. I am just playing with them.
Summary: A fan fic challenge from
Lilmoochie Write a Halloween Chlollie fic.
A/N: When two very special boys play in a place they shouldn't interesting things can happen to their future. *HUGE HUGS and THANK YOUS* to
Lilmoochie for all her help and inspiration when my muse decided to leave and go on vacation! Thanks, Chica! :D YOU ROCK, SISTA!!!! :D
Back to the Future 2/? )