Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending 8/8
FemvampDisclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody.
Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge.
Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this.
Maybe Oliver was right. Maybe she had become one of the bad guys. )
I don't like the whole Jimmy Henry thing I think it's pretty lame to name your kids basically the same name. And although Jimmy had been annoying and frustrating he was still Jimmy Olsen to me.
I liked your ending w/ Lois now that's intriguing.
I think you should write a sequel maybe just on that alone would be really intersting. And I knew all of Tess' plottings was because she loved Clark and wanted them to role the world together. HeeHee. IDK what kind of crazy AU that is but it looks intruging and it would be really funny for Lois to interact w/Kal in a world like this.
And as for Clark Kent is dead I didn't like that part on the show, especially since he came to that conclusion by Davis' horrible ending.
This really was supposed to be much shorter and only a Clark/Chloe/Davis story but somewhere along the line other characters snuck and I decided to stay somewhat true to the Smallville storyline. (at least the parts that made sense)
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