There have been awesome entries, and amazing amounts of dedication and time put into this, and I want to thank you, all of you for making this possible. After some neck and neck races (three way ties!), finally enough votes to decide the outcome are in.
So folks, meet your chosen canon!
First Place goes to
paraxdisepink ’s Bleed.
(1) (2 ) (2.5) (3) (4)
Second Place goes to
jaedus ’s Light of Hope
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Shortfic:
First Place goes to
tobiwolf13 ’s
Things Remembered Second Place goes to
chlavis333 ‘s
Doomsday Rewrite And anyone who hasn't read them yet, read! They are seriously amazing.
So now folks on the list.
Claim your prizes as per the original post. XD
Just so you know, tracks from Colorful of the Stereo are so options.
Congratulations! (XD XD XD) and thanks for playing. You are awesome, and SV has lost so much by not having you all as scriptwriters. if they did, I would have been so in next season. but now, we have new canon, so who cares?
Congratulations all canon fixers. You have scrubbed our minds of the fail!
This would not have existed without you, the authors and feedbackers. You defeated fail! and kept eachother writing and productive!
(And there is a secrit prize for all who participated, but I'm not saying just yet.) because I'm just cryptic like that.
Due to Fourth of July Polish trips, I will get back and squee some more on Sunday. Until then...
The below post is for squeeing, congratulations and prize picking. Commence! XD