Monthly Challenge: May

May 05, 2010 00:20

The Monthly Challenge was chosen by you members to be added to the site and I'm finally entering it.... so hopefully its successful. If not, well, I probably won't bother.

Anyway the GENERAL rules for the MONTHLY CHALLENGE is that you: (it will be added to the rules/guidelines post)

1) Follow the Prompt's guidelines.
2) Tag it with "monthly: [month] [ ( Read more... )

monthly: may 2010, !monthly challenge

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Quick question, if you're around twinsarein May 18 2010, 21:46:19 UTC
I've gotten a last minute idea for a multiple drabble, so this question is related to one I've l already asked. I think I know the answer, but thought I'd be sure. This should be my last question for a while.

If writing a multi-chaptered drabble, and the prompt word is used in the first chapter, is it necessary to use it in all subsequent chapters if it's clear that the venue hasn't changed? Using WatchTower as an example, If a character is in the WatchTower, and it's stated in the first chapter, and then the character clearly doesn't leave the place, is it required to keep using the word in each chapter?

I hope this makes sense.


Re: Quick question, if you're around flareonfury May 18 2010, 22:44:49 UTC
You'd have to mention them staying in one spot if you do that.

Also if you're writing a multi-chaptered drabble than the only two of those drabbles count toward the monthly challenge... I forgot to mention that before but I kinda thought that was clear but now I wasn't sure.


Re: Quick question, if you're around twinsarein May 18 2010, 22:59:53 UTC
Ollie is going to be moving from room to room in the WatchTower - kitchen, exercise, recreation, observation, control, etc. I can probably work it into each chapter, just in case.

I thought the two drabble limit was for couples only. And trust me, there will not be any chapters with repeated couples in this fic. It's going to be a bit of a free-for-all.

If that is incorrect, then two chapters can be counted toward the monthly challenge, I guess, and they can all o toward the weekly challenge.


Re: Quick question, if you're around flareonfury May 19 2010, 00:47:15 UTC
The Two limit drabble is for couples only, but I wasn't sure you if you were going to be writing a multi-chaptered-drabble pairing so its completely fine if two of "chapters" are of the "new pairing". The rest would be toward the weekly challenge unless they too have different pairings.


Re: Quick question, if you're around twinsarein May 19 2010, 01:00:25 UTC
Each chapter of the fic will have a different pairing, maybe more than one. Thank you so much for clarifying, and for taking the time to answer so many of my questions. I really appreciate it. I'll try to leave you alone for a while. *g*


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