Monthly Challenge: May

May 05, 2010 00:20

The Monthly Challenge was chosen by you members to be added to the site and I'm finally entering it.... so hopefully its successful. If not, well, I probably won't bother.

Anyway the GENERAL rules for the MONTHLY CHALLENGE is that you: (it will be added to the rules/guidelines post)

1) Follow the Prompt's guidelines.
2) Tag it with "monthly: [month] [ ( Read more... )

monthly: may 2010, !monthly challenge

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If you don't remember WHAT pairings you HAVE written for: flareonfury May 5 2010, 05:00:55 UTC
americangrl69 - Clark/Lana
autumnrae89 - Tess/Oliver, Lois/Oliver, Clark/Lana, Clark/Lois, Clark/Oliver, Clark/Lois/Oliver, Chloe/Jimmy, Kara/Oliver, Lex/Lana
babydracky - Bart/Oliver
brokengem - Chloe/Clark,
call_me_lor - Clark/Lois,
chosenfire28 - Chloe/Clark, Clark/Oliver, Clark/Lois, Chloe/Oliver, Clark/Lana, Lex/Lana, Clark/Lex, Clark/Davis, Lex/Oliver, Clark/Jason,
flareonfury - Chloe/AC, Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Clark, Martha/Jonathan, Mia/Oliver, Lois/Bart, Clark/Dinah, Zatanna/Arthur, Victor/Kara, Clark/AC, Clark/Lois, Oliver/Zatanna, Kara/Jimmy, Chloe/Jimmy, Dinah/Bart, Chloe/Davis, Chloe/Whitney, Jimmy/Lois,
maiel_alcinoe - Chloe/Oliver
nonotthatone - Clark/Lex
phoenixcries - Oliver/Lois, Oliver/Clark, Oliver/Lois/Clark
revivingophelia - Chloe/Oliver, Lana/Lex, Chloe/Clark, Kara/AC, Chloe/AC,
sue_dreams - Clark/Lex, Jonathon/Lex, Pete/Chloe,
svgurl - Clark/Oliver, Oliver/Lois,
tallihensia - Chloe/Clark, Clark/Lex, Kyla/Clark,
twinsarein - Clark/Lex, Lana/Lionel, Whitney/Jason, Whitney/Jason/Clark, Whitney/Jason/Clark/Lex,

If you are not listed here you haven't written anything for past challeneges OR wrote gen stuff OR you've only written for the CROSSOVER challenge[s] which means you're VERY lucky for this challenge.


Re: If you don't remember WHAT pairings you HAVE written for: twinsarein May 5 2010, 15:07:48 UTC
I see I have some people in moresomes - is it possible to have them in pairs? Example - I have Whitney/Jason/Clark/Lex, so could I write say Clark/Jason or Whitney/Lex or are all four men off limits as a partner with one of the other four?

Just trying to clarify.


Re: If you don't remember WHAT pairings you HAVE written for: flareonfury May 5 2010, 18:09:49 UTC
Yup you can write Whitney/Clark and Lex/Whitney and Jason/Lex and Jason/Clark if you want! :)


Re: If you don't remember WHAT pairings you HAVE written for: twinsarein May 5 2010, 23:10:27 UTC
Yay! Thank you so much.


Re: If you don't remember WHAT pairings you HAVE written for: flareonfury May 6 2010, 03:45:41 UTC
your welcome!


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