Team MetaHumans // 4 Drabbles

May 01, 2010 18:32

I know I'm late, but since I had written these earlier, I wanted to throw them out, even though I'm past the deadline.

Team: Metahumans
Challenge: Rain
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex, Chloe, Lana
Author's Notes: Short, vaguely choppy feel to some of these. I'm on a deadline, though, and it feels good to be writing something, even if it's only pieces at the moment.


Title: It's raining...
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex
Warnings: Nada.
Summary: There are worse ways for Lex to find out. Maybe.

Clark touches down to The Weather Girls blasting from a boombox. Lex's hips are already counting the beat. He holds out a hand to Clark in invitation.

Clark, horny and charmed, accepts the offer after a minute of watching Lex's hips swiggle, Lex swings him into motion. Superspeedy reflexes keep Clark from stomping all over Lex's feet, but it doesn't make him graceful, or their dance smooth.

Lex settles them into a slower tempo at odds with the beat. It's easier to follow, and they're in sync, moving together. "Hallelujah," Lex breaths into his ear. "It's raining men."

"About that..."

Title: Movie Night
Characters/Pairings: Clark, Pete, Chloe, Lana, Lex
Warnings: Movie geekery. >D
Summary: This week's theme is Tom Cruise. They shouldn't let the girls pick.

"It's a good movie," Clark protested, backing up Pete's argument.

Given a choice between The Rain Man and another viewing of Legend or Interview With a Vampire, there was... well, no choice.

Except Chloe and Lana want their Cruise to be 'romantic', if insane and bloodthirsty.

Lestat gives Clark funny dreams and the girl in Legend doesn't so much remind him of Lana, except she does.

"There are more than five Cruise movies ever made," Lex points out dryly, late to the argument.

The girls protest, Pete sides with Lex for the first time in history, and Lex... the bastard. Holds up a copy of Far and Away.


Title: Gray, Tones and Shades
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex
Warnings: None
Summary: Clark's secret has used up all nine of its lives. To abuse a metaphor.

Lex considered the man dripping on the solarium floor. "There's a colloquialism about drowned cats and the things they drag in."

"You're mixing metaphors." Clark's response was flat. His skin was as gray as the clouds outside. While wet was normally a good look for him, the rain had washed away his colors.

"Come warm up," he offered, extending a hand.

Clark took it, but only to pull Lex closer. His embrace was cold, his kiss water and winter chill, but his eyes after burned green.

"That's the cat out of the bag."

"Shut up, Lex."

"Satisfy my curiosity first."


Title: Overcast
Characters/Pairings: Chloe, Lana
Warnings: Prefemslashy (in my head).
Summary: Sometimes you need a friend

"Rain, rain, go away," Chloe sang softly. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes, then blinked as she realized the rain had stopped falling on her. She lifted her head and looked over her shoulder, a smile pulling at her mouth. "Hey."

Lana grinned back at her, head tilted to the side. "You looked like you could use a bit of shelter."

The simple statement hit hard. Chloe let the smile slip away, eyes burning. "You have no idea."

"Come tell me about it," Lana invited. She indicated the Talon door with a tilt of her head. "Someplace dry."

character: clark "boy scout" kent, challenge: rain, character: lana lang, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, character: pete ross, character: lex luthor, pairing: clark/lex, author: sue_dreams

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