Team Aliens // 3 Drabbles

Dec 07, 2009 23:20

Ack! I almost forgot to post these. I only have three offerings this time. I've been too tired to be creative, unfortunately. *g*

Title: Oops
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Clark, Jonathan, with implied pre-Clex
sv100 Prompt: Sick
Summary: Jonathan miscalculates.

Title: That's What Friends Are For
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Clark & Lex
sv100 Prompt: Sick
Summary: Clark's obtuse, but comes through for Lex anyway.

Title: Surprise
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: Clark/Lex
sv100 Prompt: Sick
Summary: Superman's encounter with a new alien species has unexpected results.

Here they are! I found them. Follow me to the drabbles.

character: clark "boy scout" kent, team: aliens, challenge: sick, character: jonathan kent, pairing: clark/lex, character: lex luthor, author: twinsarein

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