Banners/Winners & New Challenge

Nov 01, 2009 00:18

Team Aliens: 900
Team Metahumans: 890
Team Humans: 000
Total: 179 drabbles!

Last challenges winners: ALIENS!!!!


Let me just say that was a very close battle!!! Just needed 1 more, and Metahumans could have tied with you. And Where are the Humans???

New Challenge!

Mia Dearden must be your MAIN FOCUS in each of your drabbles, rather or not she actually makes an appearance is up to you. (Though I'd prefer she was!) So yes this challenge is a little stricter than normal. She must be mentioned or spoken about if she doesn't actually make a literal appearance. Those of you who missed "Crossfire" or have no idea who I'm talking about... sorry.

Submissions will be accepted until November 8, 11:59PM EST.

challenge: mia dearden, !mod banners, !mod results, !mod challenge

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