Team MetaHumans // 6 Drabbles

Oct 31, 2009 14:35

Team: Metahumans
Challenge: 32. Past Prompts
Rating: G - PG13
Characters/Pairings: All Clex (slash or preslash), Lex, Clark, Jonathon, Martha
Author's Notes: These drabbles are me letting my Happily-Ever-After mind roam free. Individual warnings apply.

Title: Declaration of Intent
Challenge: 32. Past Prompts - 22. Summer
Characters/Pairings: Jonathon, Lex
Notes: Set after Clark's high school graduation. Kind of.
Summary: Some things are just understood, especially by men of few words.

"Clark's not home," Jonathon said, expecting the words to send Lex away.

"I know. Summer's almost over."

And Clark would be gone soon. Jonathon nodded. "Yeah."

"I've been thinking of returning to Metropolis myself." And they both knew why.

"You'll be missed," Jonathon offered, trying to focus his attention on the tractor.

Lex's mouth twisted. "Of course." He turned as if to go.

"Lex." Jonathon extended his hand. "You can come home anytime, with or without Clark." He turned the shake into a fast hug. "You'll take care of him?"

"Of course," Lex said, open surprise on his face. "Always."


Title: Bewitched
Challenge: 32. Past Prompts - 14. Magic
Characters/Pairings: Clex preslash, Jonathon, Clark, Lex
Warnings: None
Summary: Lex gets a surprising welcome.

"Lex, son!" Jonathon Kent crosses a floor of party-goers to pull Lex into a hug. "Glad you could make it!" His voice is loud, calling attention to them. He leaves to offer someone else the same jovial greeting.

Clark sidles close, offers a drink cup of punch.

"Whose been casting spells on your father?" Lex asks.

Clark laughs. "It's a bit of moonshine magic, actually. Drink carefully, or who knows who you'll be embracing by the end of the night."

Lex has a few wishes on that score. "I'll be careful."

"I'll stay close, just in case," Clark offers, blushing.


Title: Barter
Challenge: 32. Past Prompts - 19. Happy Mother's Day
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Lex, Martha, Chloe, Jonathon
Warnings: None.

"What are you getting her?" Chloe asked, seating herself across the table.

Lex looked up, eyes searching the rest of The Talon and coming up empty of any sign of Clark. "Getting who?" Lana, Pete, random other Smallville teens.

"Mrs. Kent, of course." Chloe rapped the table to get his attention. "Your dating her son. You have to wish her a Happy Mother's Day."

He looked at the girl again. "I already gave her my present." Conservatorship of the caves; every scrap of evidence Lex or his father had gathered, destroyed. "Purple irises." They'd gone well with Jonathon's red tulips.


Title: But Not Forgotten
Challenge: 32. Past Prompts - 18. Cold and 10. Flame
Characters/Pairings: Clex, Clark, Lex
Warnings: Allusions to riftyness, no definite timeline or spoilers. Drabble pair.
Summary: Make your second chances count.

"Please." The word feels wrenched from him.

He's always thought of Lex as having a hot temper, but he's wrong. Revenge is a dish best served cold and Lex is like ice all the way through.

Lex unlocks the kryptonite cuffs and walks them away. "Now say it," he commands.

There's nothing holding Clark in, he doesn't have to obey.

"I'm sorry." It's not what Lex asked for, but it's worth it, for the return of warmth to Lex's gaze, the thawing.

"Try again."

"My name is Kal." Lex waits, patient. "I was adopted by the Kents.

"I'm an alien."


Lex returns to Clark's side, his expression unreadable. He reaches for Clark's wrists and runs his fingers over skin that is already healing after being bound by kryptonite.

He's gentle.

He doesn't apologize, and Clark doesn't ask him to. When Lex looks into his eyes, the fire is there, irresistible. Clark leans in and lets it warm him, a moth drawn to the flame.

A cleansing fire.

Where Lex's hands just minutes ago brought danger and weakness, now they offer protection, caring. He basks in the passion, their shared forgiveness.

They make it last. But they both have long memories.


Title: Repentance
Challenge: 32. Past Prompts - 01. Pie
Characters/Pairings: Clark, Lex, Clex preslash
Warnings: Set during season 2, after "Visitor" and before "Exodus." Would make Season 3 AU.
Summary: Some things are unforgivable.

They stared at each other through the bars. Clark looked away first.

Their words were simultaneous, overlapping, "I'm sorry."

Lex's lips twitched. "I thought about baking a file into a pie."

"You could just drop the charges," Clark asked.

"Done." Lex moved to let the deputy to unlock the cell.


"Going to John Hopkins with my blessing."

"The room-"

"Destroyed." Lex paused, waited until they were outside alone. "Us?"

Clark looked at his shoes. "I don't know. My secrets?"

"Are yours."

"And if I want them to be yours, too?"

"I'd keep them."

"And me?"

"If you'd let me."

character: clark "boy scout" kent, team: metahumans, character: jonathan kent, character: lex luthor, character: martha kent, pairing: clark/lex, challenge: past prompts #1, author: sue_dreams

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