Team Aliens//3 Drabbles.

Oct 30, 2008 20:00

Title: Check List.
Team: Aliens.
Challenge: Pie.
Character/Pairing: Oliver Queen, Clark Kent.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 100.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: First part of a short three-part series.

Oliver sighed, pushing the shopping cart forward, eyeing the various food items in the aisle. How had he gotten roped into this again? A picture of a small blonde waving a knife at him flashed through his mind eye. That’s right, Chloe needed some ingredients.

Oliver glanced over at his current travel companion; “do we have every thing Clark?”

The small town hero glanced down at the list Chloe had given them, “We already got the mix, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and the pie crust. We’re just missing the evaporated milk.”

“Let’s go than,” He stated, nudging Clark with the cart.

Title: Impatience.
Team: Aliens.
Challenge: Pie.
Character/Pairing: Oliver Queen, Clark Kent, Chloe Sullivan.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 100.
Warnings: None.
Author's Notes: Second part of a short three-part series.

“Chloe is the pie done yet?” Clark asked from the living room, where he and Oliver were playing Chess.

“What part of cooling for two hours before eating do you not get, Clark?” Chloe laughed beside him.

Clark frowned; turning is attention back to the game though with great difficulty. The overwhelming smell of the pumpkin pies was driving the aliens’ senses on overdrive. Clark completed his next move.

“All men are impatient when it comes to food.” Oliver mumbled, looking at the board intently, “Clark seems to have another weakness besides kryptonite, pumpkin pie.”

Oliver grinned, “Checkmate my friend”

Title: In Delight.
Team: Aliens.
Challenge: Pie.
Character/Pairing: Oliver Queen, Clark Kent, Chloe Sullivan.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 100.
Warnings: This one has a light hint of slash...very very light...Near nonexistent.
Author's Notes: Final part of a short three-part series.

“This smells great, Chloe.” Clark complimented as she placed a slice in front of him. His eyes brightened as he reached for his fork.

Oliver offered thanks to the little blonde, cutting a small piece of his slice and bringing it to his lips. His smile widened, “It tastes wonderful.”

“Thanks guys, I tried.” Chloe stated as she smiled brightly at the pair, to glad both men were enjoying the dessert. What happened next didn’t prevent laughter from bubbling from the little blonde as Oliver reached over to wipe some wipe cream from Clark’s nose.

“The mouth, Clark, the mouth.”

character: clark "boy scout" kent, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, team: aliens, challenge: pie, character: oliver "green arrow" queen, author: brokengem

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