Team Aliens - 1 drabble

Aug 30, 2009 23:41

Title: Gifts from Family
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Book
Characters/Pairings: Lois.
Rating: E for Everyone
Summary:  Growing up her parents had given her books and bits of knowledge. Abigail Fine’s mother turned her into a guinea pig.
Author's Notes:  This takes place episode 4.03 Façade.

Lois thought back to past Christmases and birthdays. As a child her father gave her tiny toy soldiers, a wilderness survival handbook, and the knowledge of too many military metaphors. When she got older he gave her a camouflage uniform, the ability to speak more languages than she needed, and even more military metaphors.

Before she died, mother left her a collection of pink Barbie books and a warning not to smoke

Growing up she hadn’t been impressed by hers parents offerings, but unlike Scabby Abby, they never used her as a guinea pig. At least she dodged that bullet.

author: splash_chan, team: aliens, character: lois lane, challenge: books

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