Team Aliens: 00
Team Metahumans: 00
Team Humans: 00
Total: 0 drabbles!
Last challenges winners: NO ONE!!! :(
New Challenge!
Alternate Universes - this challenge it deals with a character from SV going into another universe in Superman or a Superman character going into the SV universe (such as Superman Returns (or the other movies in the film series), Lois & Clark, Superman Animated Series,
comic AUs, JL Animated, etc, or an alternate universe in SV such as the ones Apocalypse, Lexmas, Reckoning, Noir and in any other episode there was an AU.). YOU MUST INCLUDE THE EPISODE OR ALTERNATE UNIVERSE SOMEWHERE IN YOUR POST - such as in the summary or spoilers/warnings. For this challenge you CAN NOT create a new alternate universe in Smallville although you can make your drabbles located in ANY season, ANY episode which would actually cause a new AU, but that is fine but you can't make it like for example - Chloe & Clark got together in S6 or whatever or Chloe never met Jimmy again or something like that - hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say.
Submissions will be accepted until August 15, 11:59PM EST. YES A TWO WEEK CHALLENGE!!!!! :D