Jan 04, 2003 09:16
Now that they've widened the 60 and added, I don't know, 5 more lanes for traffic on the busiest highway in the Phoenix area, I'll drive it. By taking the 60 and then the 101 north, I can make it to work in a little over 30 minutes, which seems a miracle and a welcomed one at that. Once on the 101, the view in either direction (east & west) is absolutely spectacular. I can watch the sun rise over the valley again, and on the return home, the sunset. These are always the highlight of my days because it's not just a piece of the sky you're seeing, it's the whole valley, from mountain range to mountain range. I need to start taking my camera to work again.
I think yesterday turned out to be a good day. I sat with a different member of my team, Bob, who though soft spoken,has a great sense of humor. He would intro me to people on the phone and we figured out problems together and always made the client laugh before we hung up. What was nice though, is that even though I've never worked this software, I could answer every single question and even some that he would have sent to someone else in IT. We wowed our clients and apparently I wowed him with my knowledge. A nice feeling.
We laughed alot, closed alot of tickets and generally had a good day. He thanked me at the end of the day for guiding him and giving him some new suggestions on how to answer a client. We eliminated any negativity in his response and replaced it with a positive answer that would have the client thanking us for the help and for calming them down. I've become expert on this one, especially since my last job. Anyhow, it was a good day. I left feeling good about what we'd done and how much I could help. What more could a person ask from a job? Not much.
He also gave a needed boost to my ego and self esteem, which had just about hit rock bottom after the last couple months. I know he was just trying to make me feel welcomed, he did. He told me that the 2 people who had interviewed me, came back to him right afterwards and told him they'd found the right person and were going to have me hired immediately. He said they were all excited and happy as pigs in shit. Ummm, I didn't think the interview went all that great, but then, I'm one of those who freezes at interviews. 'Someone' was watching over my shoulder. Thank you.
More moments :
It was a spectacular sunset, even though I only saw the last few minutes before twight, which can be absolutely beautiful in and of itself. The drive home went well, I didn't even swear at a single person. (Another miracle) I got home and when I went to open the door, James opens it and says Happy Birthday. He didn't forget afterall. But then, he wasn't supposed to be home either, he should have been at rehearsal. His ride didn't work out. So, after showing me the cake he'd made ( sigh sigh smile smile), and he told me my dad had called and my other son, Jacob, to wish me happy birthday, we were off to rehearsal. I read in the car while waiting, he was only going to be an hour. We had cake when we got home. It was a great day! And dammed if this working doesn't tire one out, I was falling asleep at 10.
A seperate entry for the description of how the cake got made, it's just too dang long for this post. Soon as I remember how, I'll move this one into a comment link. Maybe..
Today will be a busy one, I am making a huge pot of beef barley soup for tomorrow's Kingdom War Practice and the annual Soup Kitchen. I also, have to bake a hundred or so cookies for same event. The soup and cookies will be as period as I can get them, the cheese and crackers are probably not.
I'd like to go to 12th Night tonight, but will have to see how the day goes. Lots of prep to take all this stuff over to Estrella Park oh-too-freakin'-early in the morning. knock on wood.
fair skies and good journeys.