Ranting on the job.

May 24, 2006 14:40

I am going to lose my mind. I am so sick of being here. Day after day after day I get treated like I am two years old and can’t do anything for myself. I am sick of it. Absolutely sick of it. I want to quit. I need to quit. I can’t take Cole anymore. He acts like I am not capable of doing anything on my own, at all what so ever. I hate it. This is ridiculous. The day I graduate will be the happiest day of my life, BECAUSE I CAN GET AWAY FROM ALL THESE STUPID PEOPLE! GRRRR.

When I write a letter don’t change everything about it. I am the one writing the letter, let me do it. These are my ideas not yours. I am the one signing the letter, not you. I am the one doing the in-kinding… not you! Let me do it, all of it. Let me take the credit for it.

Please don’t talk to me like I am two years old I hate when you do that. I am not stupid. I graduate high school, I am educated I know how to write letters, I know to be polite. Get off my back. PLEASE.

I can not wait to get out of here. When I get mail.. give it to me, don’t wait and act like its nothing. Maybe it is something.. give it to me. Let me open it. When I write a proposal for a grant let me know what we buy with it. That is a lot of money and do not tell me it isn’t my business. You said that dead seriously. I am a corps member not one of your students. You are no better than I am. We are the life of this organization and you have no clue what we do. You act like you know us, bull you don’t know jack about us.

All you worry about is making your organization look good by showing off the work that we do under YOUR name. That crap, if only you knew that.

When you go off to camp I feel bad for all your campers who have to put up with your stupid antics everyday. We don’t need it and neither do they. When I tell you the problems I have with the corps or team don’t blow them off. And most of all don’t freaking interrupt me when I am speaking. You would throw a fit if we didn’t let you get your input in something, let us get ours in. You may think you are so cool because you are a scm but you aren’t. No one likes you.

And for the one person who should be at every programmed event and is late almost everyday, what the heck. We are expected to be on time to everything yet you come in late almost everyday and don’t get reprimanded. OH and for the fact of visiting 2nd ave and getting yelled at I don’t appreciate the disappointment. That Is crap so go bother someone else about how corps members don’t know jack.

Maybe this whole program should just be run by different people, then maybe at least half the corps wouldn’t want to leave so soon.

You tell me that I would not want to come half way through because of the hard work, no it’s because of the crap I have to deal with on a daily basis from the people who should be supporting me. Not reprimanding me for something I didn’t even know about.

At least there is one person leading this team that I can rely on. For that I am thankful. It’s sad when 2 of the three people leading it are full of crap.

I am not responsible when things go wrong, and by the way I am not running around insanely because I didn’t get things done. Things are going fine for the talent show thanks to me and Mrs. Dawson. I know how to work Tenisha, I know how to live without your “guidance” and piece of mind. I am perfectly capable of organizing my own time and to-do list I don’t need you all breathing down my throat multiple times a week on what I am and am not doing.

When I am in a classroom at least students and the teacher listen to my idea when I am in the office, I get the “okay well it’s not for you to know!” You want to know whats not for me to know: nothing. Corps members should be kept informed of everything. EVERYTHING. And it is crap that we aren’t. Don’t act as if you are all superior, you aren’t. This team is responsible for the success of Young Heroes, not just you. We worked out butts off this year, and we deserve the credit. Don’t act like you are all that and a bag of chips when really we do the dirty work and you get the credit.

Don’t tell me I am not open minded about receiving new “tools in my tool box.” I am perfectly capable of taking advice, just not from someone who thinks he knows everything there is to know about running this after school program.

I would also like to mention the fact that there are some things that just aren’t appropriate to bring up at a gap meeting. Specifically jumping all over a person’s case for the way they feel about something. Have the decency to talk to them in private first.
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