#randomtimetablemonday - Carmarthenshire Directory of Local Bus Services and Travel Guide, Issue 16,

Mar 16, 2015 21:12

#randomtimetablemonday - Carmarthenshire Directory of Local Bus Services and Travel Guide, Issue 16, February 2015

This book comes as A4 size as standard… off the top of my head we’ve had a few large ones. Just like the Brighton & Hove Bus Times A4 book of timetables, it’s lightweight and not overly cumbersome.

The book is bi-lingual, with Welsh text on one side (Left) of every page, right for English. The centre pages are an A3-size map which shows all bus and train services, showing the network in an easy single view.

The book features a detailed introduction of information on the council, how to use timetables, updates and bus stop displays, and free travel for concession pass holders. There is a listing of main ticketing types, from 12 Trip and Rovers to PlusBus. There is a very good Index to Places Served, which features points outside the county in another colour and italic print.

The 12 hour timetables are comprehensive, with bi-lingual place names on the same line. Towards the end, you will also find dial-a-bus and long distance services, such as the newly rebranded Cymru Connect.

Overall, this book is very useful. It does manage to give a massive amount of information in a lightweight, portable format. You can find the individual timetable pages of the guide via http://www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/english/transport/buses/pages/home.aspx

cymru/wales transport, #randomtimetablemonday

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