Apr 07, 2006 23:38
And so ends the longest week ever. But god, did it pay off.
I came back from the last half of a spring break spent on ibuprofen and ice pack to a week that hit me like a ton of bricks. When really, it wasn't that bad, but it seemed like a lot.
Most of it was acting stuff. I came back on Monday to find that I had my solo audition (two contrasting monologues with the same theme, but it wasn't an audition. It was for a grade in class.) and Image Factory auditions, both on Thursday. And I had scheduled to present my personal creed project on Thursday as well. I got out of that though, and presented today instead, thank god.
For acting, I was freaking out just trying to find pieces. I thought I'd make it easier on myself to do one monologue from my solo audition for my Image Factory audition, that way I couldn't spread myself too thin. Soooo, a few days of freaking out, etc. etc., getting pieces ready and such. We did our solos today instead, but the audition went fine. I wasn't really thrown off by the questions or anything. After that, I felt fine. No worries. If I didn't get in, then I could just take newspaper and such.
But hey, I made it in. :-D
I'm quite pleased with myself. The seniors pretty much had full authority on who got in, and one told me that I "earned it." That just made me feel incredible. I earned making it to State, I earned getting into Image Factory, and even if I hadn't made it in, I would have earned a beneficial auditioning experience.
I'm just feeling inspired and appreciated and "LUV 4 WORLD <33333!!!11~*~*~" today. After presenting my personal creed project, I suddenly feel more understood. And this past week I've just felt so much love and support that, the weeks before, I wasn't feeling. The world is just beautiful and everyone I know is beautiful and it makes me want to explode with happy.
In the next week, I'm going to be getting a prom dress and a driver's license. Really. What is going on here?
I love it when I wake up and a word is stuck in my head. Once it was "butt pumpkin."
I rule.