The amazing compendium of... stuff.

Jan 13, 2006 13:03

Last night I went a bit nuts on They had some pretty good discounts (everything I bought was 20%-60% off). I reckon I've spent about NZ$260 on DVD boxed sets, CDs and graphic novels. The shipping cost a bit. Still, most items were in the same price-range as secondhand stuff off TradeMe, but new. The bad news: I get my CDs in a week, but the rest isn't until mid-March. Ouch.

It's so hard to find time for a weekend away with the guys. I have two parties and a wedding soon, and two weekends are long weekends (I prefer to stay home and avoid the massive queues of people who think they're going somewhere). So... a little over a month away. Great. Let's hope the weather's still okay. ;)

Scientists are blaming trees for global warming. Sure, let's cut down all them pesky trees. That'll learn 'em. Dude, seriously, I think it'll come out that they're still somewhat positive, and even if not I like my oxygen.

Care for some Cold Fusion? I'm not sayign it's definitely bollocks, but the original article I found indicated that it was only reproducible 25% of the time, and it was hard to distinguish from background radiation. Uh huh. Oh, plus it's not exactly COLD fusion. It involves creating ultra-high temperatures in a room-temperature liquid. Actually, that makes it sound MORE plausible. ;)
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